We like its consistency, labor savings, and overall performance.
"The quality is there and the price is right."
The quality is there and the price is right.
"Between CRYSTALYX and our health program, we get the gain we're after."
Between CRYSTALYX and our health program, we get the gain we're after.
"CRYSTALYX helps get my heifers into breeding condition."
CRYSTALYX helps get my heifers into breeding condition.
"CRYSTALYX helps all areas of our grazing and forage management."
CRYSTALYX helps all areas of our grazing and forage management.
"Using the BioBarrel saves me time and money."
Using the BioBarrel saves me time and money.
"I think we've found the answer."
I think we've found the answer.
"This calf crop is the best we have had in our nine years."
This calf crop is the best we have had in our nine years.
"The more they eat, the better off they are."
The more they eat, the better off they are.
"Flexibility isn't optional; it's pretty much mandatory up here."
Flexibility isn't optional; it's pretty much mandatory up here.