We had fewer calving and retained afterbirth problems.
"I feed and believe in CRYSTAL-PHOS"
I feed and believe in CRYSTAL-PHOS.
"Feeding CRYSTALYX is so convenient."
Feeding CRYSTALYX is so convenient.
"Stable-lyx has made a big difference in our horse's hair coat."
Stable-lyx has made a big difference in our horse's hair coat.
"The cattle stay up there longer with the CRYSTALYX barrels than with anything else."
The cattle stay up there longer with the CRYSTALYX barrels than with anything else.
"We use CRYSTALYX to draw the cows up to underutilized grazing areas."
We use CRYSTALYX to draw the cows up to underutilized grazing areas.
"Brigade helps calves fight effects of cold weather."
Brigade helps calves fight effects of cold weather.
"It kept cattle in areas that were previously underused."
It kept cattle in areas that were previously underused.
"I get the most out of my cattle."
I get the most out of my cattle.
"We had no waste with the BioBarrel."
We had no waste with the BioBarrel.