As we look across any industry, or even life in general, we see many new inventions that save time or that allow us to do more with our existing time. Smartphones, video conferencing, online shopping and home delivery all allow us to do more with less time.
Supplement strategies for cattle grazing cornstalks: Meeting nutrient demands
A common practice this time of year is to graze crop aftermath residue, such as corn residue following harvest. There are numerous blogs, popular press articles and extension bulletins about such practices, and some make them sound somewhat novel — but these practices are anything but new.
Lowering your risk: CRYSTALYX cattle stress-fighting products
With the current COVID-19 pandemic, there is more of a focus on the health and well-being of the population — especially high-risk groups. As we move into fall, there is also concern about the flu adding complications to COVID-19. Fortunately, the things we do to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19 also apply to controlling the flu.
Performance is served: Why there’s no better barrel
At CRYSTALYX, we are excited to be launching a new campaign, “Performance is Served.” This campaign describes not only our CRYSTALYX brand but also the positive results customers can expect — and here’s why.
Filling in the gaps: Meeting cattle nutritional needs while keeping costs down
In the world of self-fed block supplementation, there have not been many new block forms introduced over the past few decades. While overall nutritional profiles have gone through some significant evolutions during that period of time, the types of blocks available in the marketplace have not changed much.
Managing pasture and rangeland productivity: How low-moisture blocks can help
How does feeding low-moisture blocks fit into the topic of pasture and rangeland management? I recently wrote an article published in Progressive Cattle Magazine that discussed rangeland quality and productivity, and in this, my latest blog, I’ll discuss how CRYSTALYX, specifically, fits into and complements grazing.
Making smart decisions in dry conditions: Tips for cattle producers during drought
If you are in the western half of the United States, the northeast or, really, in many of the areas in between, it probably comes as no surprise to you that the U.S. drought monitor map currently features a lot of undesirable colors.
Managing rumen health in dairy cattle and beef feedlot cattle during heat stress
As I write this blog, I am enjoying a break from the heat and humidity in Kentucky; today, it is only 84 degrees, and the relative humidity is at 48%. It almost feels like spring compared to the past several days, which have featured temperatures over 90 degrees and oppressive humidity.
Considerations for retained ownership post-weaning
We often hear about the pros and cons of retaining ownership of your calves post-weaning. I googled it and got 1.5 million hits, so it is definitely a popular subject. Much of the debate revolves around spreading out your marketing risk or creating more marketing options, getting paid more for the better genetics that you purchase and getting carcass data back to help you make better genetic pairings and selections.
Agriculture-focused youth programs
The disrupted state of our world during 2020 cannot be doubted and will definitely have a major impact on many young people who had hoped to show animals at their local fairs this summer.