There is an endless amount of variation in the cattle business. Currently, in the United States and Canada, some regions are experiencing severe drought, while other areas are abnormally wet.
The dog days of summer are here — but we can fight back!
While growing up on a dairy farm, I always loved this time of year because of the heightened activity and the new growth of crops — but we will also soon face the “dog days” of summer, which comes on the heels of the long, cool spring we experienced this year.
The all-new CRYSTALYX app: Download it today!
Imagine what life today would be like without a cell phone. You may sometimes think to yourself, “I sure could get a lot more done without this phone constantly going off” — but think of all the conveniences it also brings.
Garlic: Another option to combat flies
It seems that we are hearing more about the practice of using garlic as a feed supplement for livestock to reduce the negative impact of fly populations. The practice of feeding garlic or garlic-derived compounds isn’t new, but more supporting evidence and research into the benefits is starting to appear.
Performance is served — digitally: Apps, blogs, podcasts and social media
One of my most senior customers started texting this week, which confirms that we have reached the digital age. All jokes aside, it is a digital world. The cell phones we all carry have more capacity than the computers aboard Apollo 13 did when it landed on the moon. One benefit of the digital world is being more connected to our family and friends, as well as to our customers — and not just to customers of CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements, but to the ultimate customer: the beef consumer.
Why should you buy a nutritional supplement for beef cattle?
Commodity prices have been increasing in cost since last September. While many of us are hoping for good news (i.e., rain) during the spring planting season, commodity prices are still inching higher as I write this in early-May.
How can I get my cows out of the shade and grazing fescue pasture?
Yay, spring is here! For me, spring is best time of year, because I love to see the grass, trees and flowers come to life. I think, for the most part, livestock probably like this time of year as well, as the temperatures are more moderate and better-quality forages become available.
Trillions, billions, thousands and hundreds: For a few cents more, you can control flies
1.6 billion, 200, four and 20 to 40 are not numbers related to government spending on the pandemic but, rather, are numbers associated with the impact of fly pressure on animal performance.
The investment in a bull
Bull-buying season is in full swing. Many cattlemen spend the time leading up to the sale flipping through catalogs to find bulls that will fit in with their operation and continue to progress their herd genetically.
Set up for success at calving and beyond: CRYSTALYX and Bio-Mos 2
At CRYSTALYX, we often write about the many benefits seen from supplementing livestock with the many nutritional technologies provided by Alltech, our parent company. Some past blogs include topics regarding Blueprint, Bio-Mos, Actigen and Bio-Mos 2. About a year ago, we made some name and formulation changes where any CRYSTALYX product that contained Bio-Mos now contains the next generation product, Bio-Mos 2.