On the Blog

Grazing management technology moves into the robotic dairy barn

CRYSTALYX® supplements are highly palatable which contributes to several benefits related to grazing management.  Cattle like the stuff and will seek it out!   Strategic placement of barrels can modify where beef cattle graze and impact resting behavior in pasture and open range settings.  A dairy free stall barn is a much smaller and confined setting but recent finds show that where barrels are placed does impact cow movement and behavior, even when abundant quantities of a TMR diet is offered in a restricted housing environment.

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Why fly control this year is important

The fly season has started in the southern US and will soon be working its way north as temperatures begin to warm up.  There are several reasons why proper fly control can help increase your cow-calf returns primarily by impacting final calf weights.  This can be a result of several factors like improved health, less energy expended on non-productive activities, cattle behavior, etc.  More on these in a minute.  The new VFD Veterinary Feed Directive may change how cattle producers had been typically supplementing their cattle on grass.  This makes fly control this summer even more critical to manage.

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Is sulfur an issue In CRYSTALYX?

I recently had a question about the amount of sulfur in a CRYSTALYX® block, and is that level something we should be concerned with?  The short answer is “no”, but let’s dig a little deeper.

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Better colostrum. Better calves.

As a popular pizza chain states, better ingredients make all the difference. The same can be said for our cattle. We need to give them the proper nutritional building blocks to allow them to perform as desired. As we are heading toward calving season, we need to think about making sure that our cows have the best supplements to deliver the nutrients necessary to birth and rear a healthy calf.

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CRYSTALYX Sheep-lyx and sheep programs

Just over a year ago, CRYSTALYX® made some formulation and name changes with several products. Two of our small ruminant products, Sheep-lyx® and Goat-Lyx®, went through some of the largest upgrades and changes.  These changes were for the good, enhancing an already good product line.  CRYSTALYX® is promoted as a program based supplement, and we’ve learned over the years that the best fortified products perform the best in a wide array of nutritional programs.  This is true for our small ruminant products as well.

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Maximize nutrition during calving

Change is in the air. That was one of the themes of the meetings I attended while at the Black Hills Stock Show this past week. Change with markets, change with the administration in Washington, DC and it can seem that uncertainty is the new normal. However, we can be certain of one thing, proper nutrition and supplementation of your cattle herd is more important than is has ever been. With the cattle markets down, it can be tempting to look for places to cut costs. Nutrition should never be on that list, here’s why.

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Continuing the convenience and cost savings of CRYSTALYX supplement programs

CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements offers a wide range of product options that economically deliver nutrients and additives to your cattle.   The consistent and predictable intake control is the primary means of controlling cost.  However, a big part of the economical delivery is due to reduced labor, reduced time invested, and NO need for additional equipment.  The “barrel” is the feeding equipment.   

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Beef replacement heifers on track for breeding

Replacement heifers are your future cow herd and contribute yearly to the advancement of your genetics along with a significant impact on profitability.  Genetics, nutritional development, health programs and breeding management will ultimately define your cow herd.  Get them right and they will provide you years of successful returns to your cow-calf operation. 

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Time for CRYSTALYX Breed-Up products

The two most critical times of the year for proper trace mineral and vitamin supplementation in your beef cow herd are, prior to calving, and prior to breeding. 

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Veterinary feed directive rules are here

Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) rules took effect January 1, 2017. Some of you may have gone to your local feed store to purchase a medicated feed or medicated supplement, only to be told that they could not sell it to you without your VFD paperwork.

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