I believe everyone is ready to put the winter and spring of 2020 behind us. We now see green grass everywhere and we are waiting for the economy to reboot. Hopefully, beef demand, consumption, exports and slaughter capacity will get back to whatever we once thought was “normal.”
Answering the call to the fescue toxicity dilemma
It is well-documented that the reduced productivity of cattle and other livestock in the more-than 35 million acres of tall fescue known as the “Fescue Belt” is challenging when temperatures start to rise every year.
CRYSTALYX Blueprint nutrition for breeding and beyond
Since the fall of 2017, we’ve been talking a lot about our CRYSTALYX Blueprint nutrition programs. These programs are available in many CRYSTALYX formulas as well as loose minerals and other block forms. The success stories keep coming in, and so far, the results have been very impressive.
Shortening the calving interval
For many spring-calving herds, we are in the midst of the calving season. Some may be wrapping up, while others may just be beginning these potentially sleepless nights. While this is an important time to monitor cows and make sure calves get the ample colostrum they need to remain healthy, now is also the time to be thinking about future calving seasons.
Feed-through fly control options and the NEW Mineral-lyx® GAR
Warm weather will arrive soon and with increasing temperatures also come those annoying flies. They are more than simply bothersome; they are expensive! Flies contribute to decreased animal performance, increased risk of disease such as pink eye, and general animal suffering.
Seasons change: Spring grasses and grass tetany risk
With the NFL football season now over, some of us look forward to the Major League baseball season in April. Maybe some of you are watching the XFL football games at present, but there is one more season that is about to start soon. While perhaps not as exciting as the aforementioned sporting events, grass tetany season can certainly be more impactful on your profitability as a cow-calf producer.
Addressing cold-weather calving challenges
In the depth of winter, most of us yearn for the warm, sunny days of spring and the nice green grass that follows. I suspect our cattle tend to enjoy that time of year better as well, but in the meantime, late-term pregnant cows have a major task ahead of them before this “green-up” occurs.
Don't miss the new and improved CRYSTALYX supplementation guide
CRYSTALYX is the brand you know and has been the original low-moisture block supplement for over 45 years. In that time, the CRYSTALYX brand has evolved greatly and has established itself as a leader in the self-fed supplement industry through both innovation and application.
Preparing for calving season
As we close out 2019 and look forward to the 2020 calving season, it’s a great time to ensure that your cows, facilities and nutrition program are ready. It is also an excellent time to review the performance of the herd.
How self-fed supplements increase both cattle and producer efficiency
We have often written about the delivery costs of hand-fed supplements adding greatly to the total cost of a supplement program. Yet, many times those delivery costs do not get figured into the cost of the supplement.