On the Blog

Blueprint: Improving health and productivity in beef and dairy herds

Now that election day is behind us, this seems like a great time to change focus and look at what we can do together to improve the health and productivity of our livestock. I enjoy reading books on history and am amazed at how much dissention there was in the early days of our American history (not dissimilar to where we are today), when political parties were just getting started.

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Lowering your risk: CRYSTALYX cattle stress-fighting products

With the current COVID-19 pandemic, there is more of a focus on the health and well-being of the population — especially high-risk groups. As we move into fall, there is also concern about the flu adding complications to COVID-19. Fortunately, the things we do to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19 also apply to controlling the flu. 

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Agriculture-focused youth programs

The disrupted state of our world during 2020 cannot be doubted and will definitely have a major impact on many young people who had hoped to show animals at their local fairs this summer.

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3 reasons you may consider early weaning

The time in which calves are weaned is typically based on their age or weight or because “that is when it has always been done.” While the majority of cattle producers in the U.S. and Canada wean calves at around 205 days of age, or 7 months, situations may arise in which weaning calves early may be beneficial for the condition of the cowherd, the pasture or forage availability and marketing opportunities.

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