On the Blog

Celebrating beef producers: Premium products and sustainable solutions

We are fortunate as beef producers to have the opportunity and freedom to create an amazing product for consumers that grows from our natural resources. Beef Month allows us to celebrate our contribution to the world food supply while preserving land, water and air through environmental stewardship. Crystalyx Blueprint supplements can be an excellent tool for continuing that legacy while maintaining profitability as we plan for the future.

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Bulls: A valuable part of your operation

You spent hours flipping through the sale catalogs finding the right bull, or set of bulls, that best fit your operation’s goals. You made the purchase, and now the bulls are all settled in at home. But wait, the work isn’t over just yet!

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Consistent mineral delivery pays

The old adage, “you get what you pay for,” is true for mineral supplements. The quality of the mineral source can vary due to differences in the availability of the individual ingredients and the overall fortification level of the trace minerals. Cheap and often less bioavailable ingredients can lower the cost but decrease the value of a mineral supplement.

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Lowering feed costs while improving weight gain

This year looks to be an excellent time to be in the cow/calf business, assuming drought has not already disrupted your farm or ranch operation. With strong demand for beef around the world and a smaller supply of cattle than we have seen in a few years, prices for calves have been growing over the past several months. Better prices mean potential high profits if you can quickly get your feeder cattle to the finishing stage and start on the next group. Improving efficiency on-farm has been a mantra for years to enhance profitability, as well as help reduce the carbon footprint of our cattle industry.

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Beat the buzz this fly season

Let’s fast forward in time to July. Imagine it is a comfortable, sunny summer day. Rancher A goes out to check his cows on pasture. Calves are looking good, cows are scattered out grazing and the bulls he turned out last week are covering the cows as needed. Rancher B goes out to the pasture to find his cattle crowded up trying to find shade, with his bulls under the lone tree on the far side of the pasture. Tails are swinging, heads and ears are moving constantly to bat at the flies. Calves look a little stressed and it appears he will need to bring a few in to treat for signs of pinkeye. Which Rancher would you prefer to be?

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What is CRYSTALYX® Blueprint®?

Ridley launched the Blueprint® concept of supplements and feeds just over four years ago. Today, this concept is still unrivaled in the feed industry for providing the latest advancements in trace mineral nutrition. Let us look at the essence of CRYSTALYX® Blueprint® and what makes it stand out above the rest.

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Setting your cows up for a successful calving season

Spring calving has either just begun or is quickly approaching for beef cattle producers across North America. This is equal parts excitement and stress. Learn what you can do to set your cows up for success this calving season. 

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2021 in Review: Looking back to move forward better

As we start afresh into another new year, many of us have no qualms bidding goodbye to the last 12 months. After a tumultuous 2020, I think we were all looking forward to what 2021 would bring. But with supply chain issues, weather challenges and higher commodity prices, it was not necessarily the golden goose we had hoped for. However, although we still face many challenges, we must still put our hope on the new horizon. Resilience is key.

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Navigating fall calving and forage supplementation programs

It’s November, and we have reached the time of year when temperatures are cooling off for many of us and having fewer hours of daylight is starting to cramp our busy schedules. Fall is here, and that means that a lot of calves are getting weaned and shipped to their new homes — but for many herds, autumn is a season of new beginnings, thanks to fall calving.

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