On the Blog

The evolution journey of CRYSTALYX

The way we feed cattle is constantly evolving; the novel concept of putting out a salt block, the early work on trace mineral requirements in the 50’s, the addition of copper to HE-20% in the 90’s and the introduction of chelated/organic trace minerals to the market in the 90’s. The cattle we raise are also evolving. The genetic profile of today’s herds are light years ahead of the herds of the 50’s, so why are we still supplementing cattle as if they are?

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Evaluating feed and feeding cost

In many areas, the cow calf producer is about to enter the more expensive time of the production cycle for feeding the cow herd; Hay feeding season!  Pasture cost is the biggest expense for most operations, but the cow does the harvesting and the pasture payment often is not an out-of-pocket item that hits the check book all at once. If you are in a pessimistic mindset you may be thinking, “No, buying protein blocks is the most expensive thing I do”. 

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Brigade: It doesn't cost enough and it's too easy

A customer very familiar with how well CRYSTALYX® Brigade® works on stressed calves at weaning time, once told me, “There are only two things wrong with Brigade®, it doesn’t cost enough, and it is too easy.”  While that is humorous, there is a lot of truth in that statement.  Brigade® will cost about 14 cents per head per day.  In a typical 28 day receiving period, that is about $4 per head.

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Decisions, decisions, decisions...

I’m going to do something that will shock you today. I’m going to advise you when NOT to use our CRYSTALYX® products. I know! I know! It’s pure heresy! But bear with me here.

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Reducing unit cost of production the CRYSTALYX way

Cost of production – war on costs – cut your costs!! Cost is a four-letter word! Numerous beef extension publications, economic summaries, models, spreadsheets, and more, establish the relationship of Beef Cow-Calf Production Costs with how they impact returns. 

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Cattle health and the sale barn

The sale barn is a great way for producers to discover the value of their calves, yet it can have a negative connotation when talking about animal health. The trip to and from as well as the sights, sounds and smells of the sale barn put stress on the animals, resulting in challenges to the immune system. However, cattlemen can give their animals a helping hand by providing them with proper nutrition to support immune function and gut health.

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Calf marketing decisions: Are there opportunities for Increasing income?

The cow calf producer is faced with the perpetual question of how to market the calf crop and maximize profit potential.  The answer varies each year depending on the forage situation, management capabilities and current economics of the beef market.  More calves are on the market with the expanded cow herd.  On many operations calves are marketed at or shortly after weaning, and there is typically a glut of calves available in October and November which historically has the lowest calf prices of the year.   Feeder cattle prices typically improve in the spring months compared to the seasonal low at weaning.  What is required to hold calves to a later date, market them at a heavier weight, and increase the income per calf? 

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Benefits of being part of a bigger company, "Hope After Harvey"

Many of us have seen daily news and social media updates regarding the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.  In particular, those of us in the ag community have an interest in both livestock and companion animals that have been impacted by the flooding.  There has been daily coverage of livestock being moved out of flooded areas, desperate to find higher ground.  For those who are familiar with Gulf Coast grazing lands and the endless acres of low-lying, boggy, marshy pastures, we understand the challenges associated with their efforts. The recovery ahead will take not only a few days or weeks, but many months and perhaps even more.

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