“Which protein product do I need?” This question comes up with some frequency when speaking with producers or dealers about the many CRYSTALYX® protein options available. Since we are entering the primary protein season of the year, I thought it would be wise to share a short refresher about the differences between livestock diet protein sources.
A 21st-century supplement for 21st-century cattle
Technology is advancing at breakneck speed for all industries, including agriculture. We will likely see as many changes and improvements in the next 10 years as we’ve seen over the last three to five decades, particularly in the field of digital technology.
Don't miss a lick: The benefits of saliva production during weaning
Fall is in full swing, and you may be feeling the stress of the seemingly endless to-do list between field work, cattle work or other duties. Calves may experience a similar feeling of stress at this time of the year and while weaning, as they encounter some really big changes.
Block basics: Product selection and usage estimates
In most areas, we are nearing the end of the grazing season and starting to plan for the fall and winter feeding seasons. To adequately prepare, the first question to ask yourself is, “Which products do I need?” This is followed by another important question: “How much product will be used?”
Fall is coming - it's time to move the cows
Yes, summer has passed, and we are quickly entering the fall season. For most spring calving herds, summer pasture rotations have been made to match moisture and growing conditions to maintain a supply of high-quality forages — but plants mature, and leaf growth for most grasses has slowed down.
10 reasons to use self-fed protein supplements this fall
I can’t believe it’s September already — where did the summer go? The mornings are noticeably cooler and the days are getting shorter. Thoughts of weaning spring-calving herds are likely present, and those of you with row-crops are undoubtedly looking forward to harvest.
Supplementing for calf weaning success
A quick look at the calendar reveals that Labor Day is just around the corner, and many spring-born calves — if they haven’t been already — are about to be weaned. We spend a lot of time discussing ways to reduce weaning stress, in addition to using a program to keep our calves nutritionally healthy — and, hopefully, gaining — through this period.
The dog days of summer: Regulating cattle body temperature during heat (or cold) stress
I recently visited Texas to attend a distributor meeting. Prior to the meeting, I traveled to the southern part of the state to visit with a group of ranchers and distributors. Coming from Minnesota and landing in San Antonio felt akin to walking into an oven as I deplaned.
Water: The cornerstone nutrient
Water is one of those things that we’re never really satisfied with. There is either too much, too little or it doesn’t come at the right time. Or it’s too expensive, tastes funny, is too hot — the list goes on and on. Still, we tend to take for granted that, when we open the tap, it will be there. Water is essential to life, yet we rarely discuss it in relation to nutrition.
Setting the stage for success: A mid-summer checklist for the beef cow herd
We are well into the summer grazing season and I have started to see ads for back-to-school sales, which made me realize that fall is just around the corner. Summer is a time when we can slow down a little and enjoy family activities, such as trips to the lake or showing livestock at the county fairs.