Springtime can be a very busy time for most all cattlemen. When you look at the nutrients that are critical for spring calving herds, this can get very busy as well. As I write this blog, we are getting yet another dose of wet snow here in Western South Dakota. Looking forward, the 7-day forecast shows a good chance of precipitation most every day. While we can sure use the moisture, cattlemen need to be ready for grass tetany to rear up.
Celebrate the green with your beef cow herd
Despite snowflakes flying through the air as I write this, spring green up has started in many parts of the country or is soon to come. With St. Patrick’s Day and spring arriving, it’s time to Celebrate the Green! Part of celebrating the green is looking at having strategies in place to make this a “green” and profitable year in your farm business.
CRYSTALYX then and now: What innovation has done for our business
Technology and agriculture. Most of us want to be known for being innovative, creative, having foresight or making a discovery. Progress is perhaps another term used for finding new solutions to old problems. In livestock nutrition, we’ve made numerous strides in the past 40-50 years.
Co-grazing: Not just for wildlife anymore
Every now and then I get a call from a gentleman who was our neighbor for a number of years when I was growing up. Usually he tries to mess with me, but now and then, he really does need some advice. This time around it was the advice.