A couple of weeks ago I was reading about some research conducted by Dr. Monte Rouquette, a Texas A&M AgriLife Research Scientist, at Overton, TX. The study used yearlings, and compared 3 different levels of DDGs supplementation on Bermuda Grass to a control treatment (no DDGs supplement). The DDGs supplementation levels were 0.25% of body weight, 0.5% of body weight and 1% of body weight/hd/d. The control cattle gained 1.53 lbs./hd/d. Both the 0.25% of body weight and the 0.5% of body weight treatments gained 2.22 lbs./hd/d. The cattle receiving 1% of their body weight of the DDGs supplement gained 2.53 lbs./hd/d. As you might expect, the article mentions that the 1% of body weight treatment (800 pound animals receiving about 8 pounds of supplement) was actually acting as a replacement for the forage. You will often hear us preach about CRYSTALYX® not being a replacement, but a true supplement for your forage, which is most always the cheapest source of energy for your herd. You can find the full article at http://www.cattlenetwork.com/cattle-news/Stocker-gains-more-than-25-pounds-per-head-per-day-realized-278377821.html
More than just barrels: Part 2
We talk a lot about products on this blog, but sometimes we need to remember that CRSTYALYX® is about more than just providing great supplements. We’re a company comprised of people who care about our customers, about your cattle and about the future.
Delay feeding stored forages by grazing corn stalks
Harvest was in full gear as I traveled through the heart of grain country this week. Combines were running, the last of the hay was coming off and beef herds had been weaned or were soon to be weaning spring born calves. Several years back I was traveling with a gentleman from Montana during harvest. The combines got his attention but he was most impressed by the forage available for the cow herd with grazing corn stalks.
LICS app for calculating beef cattle supplement intake is free and ready to download
Mark Robbins had recently written a blog about the new Livestock intake calculator for supplements (LICS) app that was soon to be released. Well the release date has arrived! It is designed to be a useful calculator with minimal, intuitive inputs that makes free-choice supplement performance easier to monitor and manage. The FREE LICS app is available on the IOS (IPhone) and Android platforms and can be downloaded either at their app stores or by scanning the following QR codes with your smartphone.