It seems that we are hearing more about the practice of using garlic as a feed supplement for livestock to reduce the negative impact of fly populations. The practice of feeding garlic or garlic-derived compounds isn’t new, but more supporting evidence and research into the benefits is starting to appear.
Set up for success at calving and beyond: CRYSTALYX and Bio-Mos 2
At CRYSTALYX, we often write about the many benefits seen from supplementing livestock with the many nutritional technologies provided by Alltech, our parent company. Some past blogs include topics regarding Blueprint, Bio-Mos, Actigen and Bio-Mos 2. About a year ago, we made some name and formulation changes where any CRYSTALYX product that contained Bio-Mos now contains the next generation product, Bio-Mos 2.
Supplement strategies for cattle grazing cornstalks: Meeting nutrient demands
A common practice this time of year is to graze crop aftermath residue, such as corn residue following harvest. There are numerous blogs, popular press articles and extension bulletins about such practices, and some make them sound somewhat novel — but these practices are anything but new.
Managing pasture and rangeland productivity: How low-moisture blocks can help
How does feeding low-moisture blocks fit into the topic of pasture and rangeland management? I recently wrote an article published in Progressive Cattle Magazine that discussed rangeland quality and productivity, and in this, my latest blog, I’ll discuss how CRYSTALYX, specifically, fits into and complements grazing.
CRYSTALYX Blueprint nutrition now available for sheep
At CRYSTALYX, most of our attention centers around beef cattle production — and for good reason. The majority of CRYSTALYX being supplemented, from a volume standpoint, is for beef cattle. We do, however, have excellent programs and products designed for dairy cattle, sheep, goats and equine, as well.
CRYSTALYX Blueprint nutrition for breeding and beyond
Since the fall of 2017, we’ve been talking a lot about our CRYSTALYX Blueprint nutrition programs. These programs are available in many CRYSTALYX formulas as well as loose minerals and other block forms. The success stories keep coming in, and so far, the results have been very impressive.
Don't miss the new and improved CRYSTALYX supplementation guide
CRYSTALYX is the brand you know and has been the original low-moisture block supplement for over 45 years. In that time, the CRYSTALYX brand has evolved greatly and has established itself as a leader in the self-fed supplement industry through both innovation and application.
CRYSTALYX Blueprint: Two years of great success
Those of you that read our blogs, attended a CRYSTALYX® meeting or visited us at an industry event, have likely noticed that our main theme the past couple years has been Blueprint®. To be more definitive, Blueprint is not a specific product nor even a product line; it’s more of a nutritional philosophy offered through many products and product lines in our company’s overall nutritional offering.
It will soon be fall - a great time for CRYSTALYX
So far, 2019 has been an interesting year; the beef industry in the U.S. has endured blizzards, floods, drought, uncertain markets in both the grain and livestock sectors, unfair denouncements in the media about climate change, uncertainty over trade agreements, a fire at a major beef processing plant, politics and more.
Whatever the weather, CRYSTALYX has a supplement program that fits
Our CRYSTALYX team got together several months ago to plan a list of blog topics for 2019. Not surprisingly, drought was my topic of choice for July. At the time, we agreed that the likelihood of dry conditions throughout various areas of the country would be high that month.