On the Blog

Changes for the better

As the leader in the self-fed supplement business, we use constant research and development to improve the CRYSTALYX brand, to better serve our customers and support the performance they want out of their cattle.

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You Won't Regret It

Many factors come into play when it comes to pregnancy rates and breed-backs. Bull breeding soundness, semen quality, cow body condition — the list goes on and on. Jill Peine discusses supplemental nutrition that can help avoid the regret of not supplementing.

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The Cost of Not Supplementing

In the series conclusion of "Does CRYSTALYX®  Pencil Out?", Jill explains how choosing to do nothing right now in favor of potentially saving a little bit of money will cost a lot more in the long run in terms of both efficiency and profitability.

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CRYSTALYX® Mineral and Goldilocks

We can think about mineral intake in terms of the story of Goldilocks. Too little won’t deliver the necessary nutrients to reach peak performance, but too much can become very costly for the producer’s pocketbook. Right down the middle, with consistent and controlled intake, at the recommended level the mineral is formulated for, is “just right.”

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2022 in Review and CattleFax Outlook

While we will surely face challenges in the year ahead, there is a lot to look forward to, as the CattleFax Meeting indicated. Each of us at CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements thank you for your business, and we look forward to continuing to work together to achieve your goals in the upcoming year and beyond.

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3 reasons to supplement goats with CRYSTALYX®

We are excited to expand our Blueprint® portfolio with CRYSTALYX® Blueprint® Goat-lyx®. While many breeders are currently in or preparing for the breeding season, here are three reminders of why CRYSTALYX fits in any goat operation.

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Bulls: A valuable part of your operation

You spent hours flipping through the sale catalogs finding the right bull, or set of bulls, that best fit your operation’s goals. You made the purchase, and now the bulls are all settled in at home. But wait, the work isn’t over just yet!

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Beat the buzz this fly season

Let’s fast forward in time to July. Imagine it is a comfortable, sunny summer day. Rancher A goes out to check his cows on pasture. Calves are looking good, cows are scattered out grazing and the bulls he turned out last week are covering the cows as needed. Rancher B goes out to the pasture to find his cattle crowded up trying to find shade, with his bulls under the lone tree on the far side of the pasture. Tails are swinging, heads and ears are moving constantly to bat at the flies. Calves look a little stressed and it appears he will need to bring a few in to treat for signs of pinkeye. Which Rancher would you prefer to be?

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