At CRYSTALYX, we are excited to be launching a new campaign, “Performance is Served.” This campaign describes not only our CRYSTALYX brand but also the positive results customers can expect — and here’s why.
Making smart decisions in dry conditions: Tips for cattle producers during drought
If you are in the western half of the United States, the northeast or, really, in many of the areas in between, it probably comes as no surprise to you that the U.S. drought monitor map currently features a lot of undesirable colors.
Considerations for retained ownership post-weaning
We often hear about the pros and cons of retaining ownership of your calves post-weaning. I googled it and got 1.5 million hits, so it is definitely a popular subject. Much of the debate revolves around spreading out your marketing risk or creating more marketing options, getting paid more for the better genetics that you purchase and getting carcass data back to help you make better genetic pairings and selections.
3 reasons you may consider early weaning
The time in which calves are weaned is typically based on their age or weight or because “that is when it has always been done.” While the majority of cattle producers in the U.S. and Canada wean calves at around 205 days of age, or 7 months, situations may arise in which weaning calves early may be beneficial for the condition of the cowherd, the pasture or forage availability and marketing opportunities.
A summer mineral program for stockers using CRYSTALYX Iono-lyx
I believe everyone is ready to put the winter and spring of 2020 behind us. We now see green grass everywhere and we are waiting for the economy to reboot. Hopefully, beef demand, consumption, exports and slaughter capacity will get back to whatever we once thought was “normal.”
Shortening the calving interval
For many spring-calving herds, we are in the midst of the calving season. Some may be wrapping up, while others may just be beginning these potentially sleepless nights. While this is an important time to monitor cows and make sure calves get the ample colostrum they need to remain healthy, now is also the time to be thinking about future calving seasons.
Seasons change: Spring grasses and grass tetany risk
With the NFL football season now over, some of us look forward to the Major League baseball season in April. Maybe some of you are watching the XFL football games at present, but there is one more season that is about to start soon. While perhaps not as exciting as the aforementioned sporting events, grass tetany season can certainly be more impactful on your profitability as a cow-calf producer.
How self-fed supplements increase both cattle and producer efficiency
We have often written about the delivery costs of hand-fed supplements adding greatly to the total cost of a supplement program. Yet, many times those delivery costs do not get figured into the cost of the supplement.
A new formulation for CRYSTALYX Iono-lyx
A little less than 16 years ago, CRYSTALYX introduced the first and only low-moisture block that contained an ionophore, in the form of BOVATEC®. This was the result of several years of working with the Center for Veterinary Medicine at the Food and Drug Administration (CVM-FDA). The exact claim on the label reads:
3 reasons why CRYSTALYX is the easy choice during the colder seasons
As the winter months are quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about your supplementation program to carry your livestock through the colder seasons. Here are 3 reasons why CRYSTALYX® should be used as your supplementation program this fall and through the winter months.